10 Lessons From Confucius — By ELLIPAL Team
It is just the first month of 2020, and we have already seen significant movements in the Bitcoin market. The community is also looking more active recently, and the signs have been excellent. We expect great things to happen in 2020 in the crypto market, and get ready for any opportunities to come. We hope ELLIPAL users are as excited as us for the rest of crypto 2020 and keep their coins secure inside the ELLIPAL Titan cold wallet.
Arriving soon will be the famous Spring Festival, AKA Chinese New Year, or Lunar New Year. Despite the many names it has, it celebrates the same cause. It is a culturally important festival that aims to celebrate the importance of family and ancestors. It is also a holiday time to allow sons and daughters to go back home and visit their parents and relatives. It is, more or less, the time for a big reunion for this part of the world.
In celebration of Chinese New Year, we want to share with our community some lessons from the ancient Chinese philosopher, Confucius. Known as the “Great Master” in China, his teachings not only shape Asian life values but also resonates throughout the western world.
Confucius teachings are timeless and universal because it is pure and true. Even though Ancient, it still acts as a good reminder for us living in 2020. We hope you can reflect on these lessons and apply them to your life.
Here are the ten lessons from Confucius:
1. Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it.
2. It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.
3. Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do.
4. What you do not want to be done to yourself, do not do to others.
5. Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors.
6. Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.
7. I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and I understand.
8. Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.
9. When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.
10. Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he will eat for a lifetime.
These are ten brief lessons from Confucius, which we like most. It might have reminded you about the dream you’ve never started or inspired you not to give up; the most important is to give it your best and be a kind person. Most importantly, be honest with yourself.
We hope this article has been useful to you and hope that these lessons will apply to your life, and who knows, to your cryptocurrency trading as well! From the ELLIPAL Team, we sincerely wish you a happy Spring Festival and see you again next article!
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