What is CCT?
1 min readJan 3, 2019
CCT is an ERC20 standard token.
CCT refers to Community Credit Token which is the reward to wallet community.
There are several channels to get CCT token while one could exchange CCT to USDT or consume CCT in some conditions.
How to obtain CCT
- Join ELLIPAL telegram group.
- Share information on social media like Twitter.
- Connect to a cold/hardware wallet.
- If your friends buy ELLIPAL wallet via your shared referral link.
There is a minimum limit to transfer CCT to your Ethereum address. The current limit is 70 which is easy to achieve as the reward of connecting hardware wallet is 300 CCT tokens.
How to exchange or consume CCT(Adding more in future)
- Convert to USDT from ELLIPAL built-in system
- Buy ELLIPAL hardware wallet
- Buy customized products from ELLIPAL
- Exchange to ELLIPAL’s partners’ services or products